Sunday, June 24, 2007

Three Texts I've Meant to Mention

I read part of each of these texts about six weeks ago. I scratched some notes, which will appear later perhaps, but I wanted to track these.

Northrop Frye. The Well-Tempered Critic.
I liked the first parts of the book. Lots of quotables. Distinct tone--definitely sounds more erudite and natural at it than most modern intellectuals and writers. A good model.

Jessice Helfand. Screen: Essays on Graphic Design, New Media, and Visual Culture
Hit you over the head with the stupid stick on this one. Dense packed language. Some heavy theory. Great insights. Funny voice at times. Impressive use of language. Do not try to read while sleepy. Very engaging in multiple essays. If I had extra bucks for books, this would be one of them.

Anna Everett & John T. Caldwell, Editors. New Media: Theories and Practices of Digitextuality
Some really fascinating stuff in here, plus a couple schwaggy essays. Ugh. The best essay--by heads, shoulders, and combat boots floating above the next author's head--is Jeffrey Sconce's Tulip Theory. I laughed out loud while reading his essay on the bus. Multiple times. This man rocks, and I want to read more of his stuff. His work alone is worthy buying this book. There are at least four to five other great essays in here, but get this because you heard me giving props to Sconce.

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